NoTours & Enrique Tomás

7 May 2009


Augmented aurality audio-guides in PDA format. Production: LABoral. Collaboration: Fundación Municipal de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Gijón & Casa Natal Museo Jovellanos.

Eschewing the model of an exclusively visual cityscape, the need arises to invent new sensitive itineraries that would question the urban layout as a monolithic space. The goal is to deconstruct these narratives and to design other guides which can intervene in the perception of urban space understood as a kind of flux, as a happening and as collective memory. With the aim of designing these audio-guides, a workshop was set up to research the potential of sound in the construction of reality and as a means of acquiring knowledge. The result of the workshop is an interactive audio-guide, based on mobile geo-location technology, which allows for an aural experience of the urban grid, generating an augmented reality situated midway between a radio drama, a sound walk, experimental narrative and tourist route. 

The audio-guides can be picked up at: 
Termas Romanas de Campo Valdés 
Campo Valdés, s/n – 33201 Gijón 
From Tuesday to Friday: 9.30 am to 2 pm and 5 to 7.30 pm 
Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 10 am to 2 pm and 5 to 7.30 pm