MVLB 3RE-Conversion

Víctor Esther García

12 February 2010

Multidisciplinary installation

Production: Valey Centro Cultural de Castrillón

Compiling information by spontaneously following uncomplicated personal instincts, grounded in the individual experience of a free-flowing drift and a non-specific, peripheral knowledge coming from leisure and intuition.

A drift = leisure + consciousness

To go adrift, gives way to an accumulation of experience dispersed through little treasures won in the form of objects, images and texts that are often as marvelous and evocative as the following…

“Everybody claims to be able to paint… even if it is with a house painter’s brush. But the truth is that very few people know what they are doing or why they do it. Generally, in most cases, the primary goal is not to embellish but to protect, and the collateral effect either enhances or detracts from the substratum on which it is applied.”

…and letting oneself be seduced by the desires that rise to the surface when making use of such accumulated imaginary. Thus, giving shape to a visual fabric which in turn, creates a work that is just as valid, fragile and diffused as the notions of culture or restructuring, or those lending their name to this exhibition: traces and clues.