
Mixtape contest The mine and its sound

15th october – 15th november 2013

A LABoral project, coordinated by José Manuel Costa in collaboration with Juanjo Palacios. Within the framework of the project Learning from the Basins, curated by Nacho Ruiz Allén and Sara López Arraiza, from Zon-e Arquitectos and co-produced by LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial and Sabadell-Herrero.

Learning from the Basinsis a research project on the cultural landscape of the Asturian Mining Basins that proposes a sensitive recovery of these places and seeks to overcome the traditionally maligned image of this industrial area of ​​Asturias where the concentration of mining and steel activity brought with it the coexistence of 4 landscapes: natural, rural, industrial and urban.

The mine and its sound is a sound approach to these 4 types of landscape, using as a starting point 4 of the mutant artifacts selected by the curators of the project and collecting different research approaches: aurality of the spaces themselves, oral testimony of users or visitors to those spaces.

The four collaborating artists of La Mina and its sound are: Edu Comelles, Pozo Sotón, San Martín del Rey Aurelio; Óscar de Ávila, Pozu Espinos, Turón; Mind Revolution, Pozo Candín, La Felguera and Daniel Romero, Pozo San Fernando, Orillés.

As part of this project, a mixtape contest is proposed, made with the recordings made available to the artists at:




How to take part?

Once you have made your mixtape, in addition to publishing it on your personal blog, tumblr, facebook and/or twitter under the hashtag #mixminasonido, send it to workshops@laboralcentrodearte.org (indicating in the subject that it is for the mixtape contest), along with the links to the blog, tumblr, facebook and/or twitter where you have published it, indicating your name and surname, date of birth, telephone number and email address.

The mixtapes will be published on the project’s bandcamp, the winner will be published on the LABoral website and the winner will receive one of the few extra-limited edition CDs that will be published with the content of the La Mina y Su Sound project.

The duration of the mixtape must be a maximum of 15 minutes and made with fragments of recordings provided by the artists. The audio format must be WAV, AIFF or FLAC.

Any approach to the material and its manipulation is free. However, all sounds used must be contained in the material provided. Additional sound sources are not supported.