Mesosfera (Mesosphere): recreational interective learning table

5th may – 12th june 2009

Mesosfera (Mesosphere): recreational interective learning table

Mesosfera is a recreational interactive project for stimulating learning and making the process of education more fun. It is a recreational interactive learning table, designed so that teacher and student, from infancy to the end of secondary school, can work together on any subject.

Mesosfera does not offer content but, rather, provides the functionality necessary to satisfy the needs of the working group as they arise. It is a new educational tool that speaks the language of the “digital generation.” It is also a meeting point for teachers and students. Mesosfera will enrich and stimulate the innate multiple intelligences in every child. The aim is to offer the child new ways to learn outside of books and conventional methods, educating using a most familiar tool: technology.

The knowledge table is not a container of actualisable material. It generates a-temporal playful-interactive experiences that are challenging for the child yet make him or her conscious of his or her own learning.

Time: from noon to 19 pm

Intended for: students and teachers from infancy to the end of secondary school.

Registration: free of charge.

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