
Menhir. Music for the mountain

Concert by Coco Moya and Iván Cebrián, winners of the LABjoven_Los Bragales Prize and artists in residence for the production of the work ‘Menhir Instalación 0’

28 August 2015

A concert by the Asturian artist Coco Moya and the musician Iván Cebrián from Cuenca, artists in residence at LABoral for the production of their work Menhir Instalación 0, winner of the LABjoven_Los Bragales Prize, jointly organised by the Los Bragales Collection – owned by the Cantabrian businessman Jaime Sordo – and LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial.

Next to Eduardo Chillida’s sculpture Elogio del Horizonte, in Gijón’s Cerro de Santa Catalina, Coco Moya and Iván Cebrián will show, through a musical performance, basic concepts of their ongoing project Menhir. The symbiosis between the mutual activation between music and territory; Mehnir as a process that favours the relationship of the audience with the environment: crossing it, walking through it and filling it with sound; a sound and visual research on the Asturian landscape.

This musical performance seeks to express the landscape as a score, to promote musical improvisation and walking as an aesthetic practice.

Menhir’ project website

