Manuel Cimadevilla


Born in Oviedo in 1956. He lives in Llanera

In the early 70s he studied at the International School of Decorators IADE of Gijon supplementing later with design studies in the same school but this time in Madrid, while forms himself in drawing and painting at the School of Arts and Crafts of the capital.

His first ceramic experience will be the first Seminar SARGADELOS Ceramic Studies. After this first contact is at the flames Pottery Mouro (Cangas del Narcea) where he spent many summers learning all about pottery.

In the mid-70s in Barcelona he joined the Catalan Tapestry School Aimat and the workshop of Fine Arts Leonardo da Vinci where he later taught pottery classes.

It will be in Tarragona, where he will start his formal training at the School of Arts and Crafts, that he will complete with the assistant job in the workshops of Ramón Carrete in Tarragona and Valentina Sagarra in Barcelona, ​​both potters belonging to the school of Llorens Artigas. Cimadevilla ended this training process at La LLotja school of Barcelona, obtaining the degree in Applied Arts with the specialty in Ceramics.

In the late 70s he travels to Córdoba where he attended courses at the School of Arts and Crafts Mateo INurria.

All this leads him to install his first pottery workshop of Oviedo in the 80s where his first ceramics experience begins by introducing this specialty in several galleries .From there, combines his work as a ceramist with teaching, while improving himself with exchanges with Barcelona and Tarragona at first, to extend them to France, Japan, England, Portugal, etc …