Lorena Lozano

Artist and researcher

Artist and researcher. Born in Gijon, 1975

Lorena Lozano is an artist and researcher. Her work connects art and science knowledge and methodologies. She is graduated in Biology (Oviedo’s University 1998) and Environmental Art (Glasgow School of Art, Scotland, 2007). Recently she has finished her Ph.D about the relationship between art, science and society (Universidad de Oviedo, Art History and Sociology). She was one of the foundational members and coordinator of ecoLAB, an experimental laboratory on Art, Ecology and Open electronics (Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón 2011-2012). Since 2012 she runs the platform Econodos. Ecology & communication and develops the project Herbarium in the rural context of Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia, León, Spain.

