
LABoral at #MuseumWeek

24th to 30th march 2014

The first Museum Week on Twitter via Twitter

This initiative, which will take place throughout Europe between Monday, March 24 and Sunday, March 30, aims to put people in contact with art, history and science in an innovative and interactive way, providing them with direct access to some of the most important museums internationally and the people behind them.

Twitter is the place where users express their emotions, opinions and contact other people who share their same interests. Given the large number of cultural conversations that occur on the platform, the most important museums in Europe have come together to launch #MuseumWeek, a unique interactive experience for lovers of Art and Science.

Thanks to #MuseumWeek, in addition to offering their followers this multicultural project, museums will be able to discover new people interested in their works and enjoy a broader conversation with those who share their interests. Each day of the week will be dedicated to a theme determined to guide the conversation and facilitate its follow-up under the hashtag #MuseumWeek.

In Spain, next to LABoral Centro de Arte (@Labor) have confirmed their participation in #MuseumWeek, the first Museum Week on Twitter, some of the most important museums in Spain: Museo del Prado (@museodelprado), Museo Reina Sofía (@museoreinasofia), Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (@museothyssen ), City of Arts and Sciences (@CityArtsScience), Mapfre Foundation (@mapfreFcultura), Canal Foundation (@Fundacioncanal), Caixa Forum (@CaixaForum), Guggenheim Museum (@MuseoGuggenheim), Dalí Foundation (@MuseuDali), Museum Picasso Málaga (@mPICASSOm), Cosmo Caixa (@CosmoCaixa), Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (@MuseuNac_Cat), Círculo de Bellas Artes (@cbamadrid), Barcelona Contemporary Culture Center (@cececebe), MACBA (@cbamadrid) MACBA_Barcelona), Museum of Human Evolution (@museoevolucion), Museum of Flamenco (@MuseoFlamenco), Lázaro Galdiano Foundation (@Museo_Lazaro), Joan Miró Foundation (@fundaciomiro), Costume Museum (@MuseodelTraje).


Monday, March 24: A day in the life of LABoral
We will make a “Tweet report” of a typical day at LABoral that will offer a “different” perspective of the internal work done at the Art Center.

Tuesday, March 25: Test your knowledge
Five riddles are proposed throughout the day and the first people to answer correctly will receive a prize*.

Wednesday, March 26: Your story
It will be your day, so we hope for all your collaboration so that you can share with us impressions, images and anecdotes at LABoral and other museums and art centers.

Thursday, March 27: The building behind the art
We will tell you, through images and videos, the history and transformation of the building that houses LABoral to museum use.

Friday, March 28: Ask the expert
Starting Monday we will be collecting all the questions you want to ask the LABoral team with the hashtag #MuseumWeekQ&A. This day all your questions will be answered and different aspects of LABoral’s activity will be discussed.

The complete list of all participating European museums:

*Prizes will preferably be delivered at the art center itself. Otherwise, national shipments will be made with postage paid and international shipments with postage due.