

1st june – 31th december 2010

LABmóvil is a multiplatform project that uses the mobile phone as the main means of work.


LABmobile It is a multiplatform project that uses mobile phones as the main means of work. With the advancement of information technologies, the modes of production and exchange of content are becoming increasingly democratized. This, in addition to assuming new formats (such as on-demand television or mobile Internet), above all allows the user to no longer be just a mere receiver, but, based on concepts such as do it yourself, citizen journalism or social networks, can broadcast and produce their own content, promoting much more horizontal communication channels, sharing information or creating digital communities…

Financed by: Plan Avanza of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce

The multi-year LABmóvil project, financed by the Avanza Plan within the framework of the Strategic Action of Telecommunications and Information Society, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011 of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. With this program, LABoral is committed to contributing and promoting the generation of innovative digital content aimed at promoting the implementation of the information society among citizens, and promoting the creation of spaces open to innovation through the development of sustainable alternatives aimed at change the current production model through the intensive use of new mobile technologies, as well as the constitution of knowledge dissemination networks.

More information about this event…