
L.E.V. Festival 2009

1st to 2nd may 2009


L.E.V. Festival or the Laboratorio de Electrónica Visual [Laboratory of Visual Electronics] is a space in which electronic music and the visual and scenic arts are combined to form a new mode of artistic expression, bringing to the public a selection of the most interesting projects by young talent as well as by already experienced artists from the local and international art scene. The Festival, designed and conceived by the Asturian collective
Datatrón 0x3F, coproduced by the Laboral Theatre with LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial as its main sponsor, will be held on May 1st and 2nd. The performances will be held at LABoral Centro de Arte, the Laboral Theatre, the Church and la Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Asturias, all of them part of La Ciudad de la Cultura.

L.E.V.’s third edition will feature remarkable performances such as the latest music by Aphex Twin, one of the most important and brilliant figures in electronic music of the last 25 years, or the live audiovisuals of Moderat, a joint project between ModeselektorApparat and the visual artists Pfadfinderei that, after the release of their highly anticipated album in March on BPtich Control, have been performing a select number of shows at special events. Further, the L.E.V. programme will feature performances by Tulse Luper, Vj performances by Peter Greenaway and the live audiovisual shows of Alva Noto and Byetone. This year’s edition will also feature the latest choreographic work of the Portuguese Rui Horta together with the group Micro Audio Waves, with live performances by Daedelus, AGF, Isolée and the Dutch musician ettel, the Loss Layers performance, a creation of Fabrice Planquette together with the Japanese choreographers Yoko Higashinoy and Yum as well as João Samões’s Blackout and the new project by the Greek Apostolia Papadamaki, Electric Girl,
with live music by Blaine Reininger (a member of Tuxedomoon).

To see full schedule please click here

In addition, collaboration with other festivals dedicated to video creation and electronic music have been established, leading to the projection of selected video series that can be seen during the Festival at the Centro de Arte that will extend its opening hours until 11:00 pm for the occasion.

Special bus services. Emtusa:

Fiday, May 1st
Plaza del Carmen – Laboral: 00:00 / 01:00 
Laboral – Plaza del Carmen: 01:30 / 03:30 / 06:15

Saturday, May 2nd

Plaza del Carmen – Laboral: 00:00 / 01:00
Laboral – Plaza del Carmen: 01:30 / 03:30 / 06:45

Plaza del Carmen – Laboral
Plaza del Carmen (lado telefónica) – Moros – Jovellanos – Capua – Marqués de Casa Valdés – Menéndez y Pelayo – Ramón y Cajal – Pablo Iglesias – La Guía – Avda. del jardín Botánico – Laboral

Laboral – Plaza del Carmen
Laboral – Avda. del Jardín Botánico – La Guía – Ezcurdia – Avda. Castilla – Avda. de la Costa – Uría – Pza. San Miguel – Pza. Instituto – San Bernardo – Munuza – Plaza del Carmen


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