José R. Cuervo Arango


Born in Gijón in 1947

José R. Cuervo Arango studied at the Jesuit School in Gijón and, motivated by family tradition, studied Medicine at the University of Salamanca.

In his own words: “The university years were of great importance because they provided me with a new, more liberal environment, facilitating the development of various personal interests and contributing to making my scale of values broader and more solid. A demanding task in terms of time and effort, which crystallised in the progressive understanding of what motivation, creativity, communication and life really are as a unitary and netural whole”.

His work has been published on several occasions: in 1987 the Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias published an exhibition and in 1998 his book Fotografías : 7 marzo-12 abril 1998 and in 2003 Al otro lado del espejo. In 2009 he was awarded a prize at the XL Certamen Nacional de Arte de Luarca. As a consequence, a travelling exhibition of his work was held after seven years without exhibiting, as well as a publication.
Art is, in its broadest sense, a celebration of being alive and an artist must project his own experiences and attitude towards life if he wants to leave behind a universal and unique message. His integration into the philosophy of these concepts is absolutely central to his life.