Javier Riera


He was born in Avilés, in 1964. He lives and works in Madrid

Javier Riera studied Fine Arts in Salamanca and in his training the workshops of contemporary art of the Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid were important, participating in the ones of Carlos Leon and Julian Schnabel. He began exhibiting in 1993 in Madrid and since then it has been doing regularly while he has participated in numerous group exhibitions, still painting the usual framework until 2008. In 2003 he received the Ángel Award in 2006 performed at the Palacio Revillagigedo of Gijón a retrospective of a period of ten years. In 2008 he did a solo exhibition at MNCARS a job photographing light and geometry interventions carried out directly on the landscape.

In 2010 he exhibits in the Museum Barjola an intervention on the landscape adapted to the specific space of the room, which first introduced the time course of his work. In recent years continues to investigate the relationship between landscape and geometry, understood as prior to matter, able to establish with her a kind of subtle and revealing hidden qualities in the spaces resonance working language. With its sample of Valencia in 2012 leaps to public space, which is treated, for the first time by the artist, as an exhibition stage, through installation outdoors where the light projections directly affect vegetation of the Turia Gardens.

Since 2005, he teaches at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria de Madrid. His work is present in collections such as Fundación Cajamadrid, Fundación Príncipe de Asturias, Colección Banco de España or the MNCARS collection.
