Introductory workshop to the use of Arduino

19th march – 9th april 2016

Arduino is a physical computing platform that allows you to learn the basics of experimental electronics and develop interactive projects in a short period of time.

This workshop is a basic introduction to electronics, Arduino programming and a first approach to the creative community of this project.

Dates: March 19, April 2 and 9, 2016

Taught by: David Pello and Luis Díaz, fabLAB Asturias
Aimed at: general public. No prior knowledge is necessary
Participants: 12
Duration: 9 hours, Saturdays

Registration fee: 70 euros / 50 euros (with thePlatform 0 annual membership card)
Registration deadline: March 16, 2016
Workshop program and more information

Click here to register

Activity subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Government of the Principality of Asturias

With the support of: