Introduction to use of fabLAB. 1st. edition

5th to 16th november 2012

The digital fabrication introductory course is intended to initiate students in the use of advance digital design methods and fabrication processes in an integrated way, to make physical things from virtual data. It will focus on the design, development of construction of 1/ 20 scale prototypes in a variety of materials, focusing on the transition between computer modeling and materialization.

Students will be introduced to the different digital fabrication processes available in the market with a series of comprehensive lectures, including discussions on specific case-studies. In the class, they will be guided through the use of Rapid Prototyping and CAD-CAM fabrication devices, by following design assignments specifically conceived to develop their skills. The course will give them the opportunity to test some of these processes, using the machines available at Plataforma Cero LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial.( CNC laser-cut, CNC milling and  3D printing).

Besides the development of technical skills, the ultimate goal of the course is to acknowledge how these new fabrication methods are changing the language of design, while challenging the traditional architectural and design process from conception to construction.

Duration: 32 hours. 2 weeks, Monday to Thursday
Participants: 10-12 participants
Registration fee: 350€
Information and registration: +34 985 185 577 /
Dateline for registration: 5th October

Programme of activities funded by the Ministry for Culture and Sports of the Principality of Asturias

cultura y deporte