Introduction to programming

12th to 29th may 2014

The objective of this program is to provide students with the bases to understand how digital technology works, so present in their daily lives, while offering a more creative vision of its use. This program is based on 3 questions: What happens within a computer? What is programming? What is it for and where is programming present?

Thus, a new relationship between the user and technological devices is encouraged, establishing a more critical approach and a change in their usability guidelines, laying the foundations for an active and integrated use of technology.

The program combines learning of basic concepts and processes with a practical exercise in “creative use of technology” within the framework of educational centers. Two tools are proposed, Twitter and Scratch, to develop a project that allows working on creative problem solving and generating a higher level of motivation and self-esteem.

Objectives1. Democratization in the use of technology2. Importance of a deeper knowledge of technological language, which allows dialogue with experts and technicians to develop tools and a truly transversal use of ICTs.3. Analysis of human needs to improve their living conditions, their technological development to seek solutions to them, and their influence on the economic and social organization changes that have taken place throughout the history of humanity4. Access information forms and strategies through programming.5. Learn interaction-oriented programming and the generation of computer graphics.6. Knowledge and use of electronic and programming devices.

Aimed at: students in the 2nd cycle of primary and secondary education accompanied by their teachers.

More information about the project

Activity subsidized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Principality of Asturias

Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
Consejería Cultura y Turismo