
International Day of Museums 2015

LABoral has prepared a program of free activities to commemorate the celebration of International Day of Museums

Until 17 May 2015

LABoral will host next weekend, from Friday 15 to Sunday 17, Open House Days offering free access to the Art Centre to celebrate the International Day of Museums. To mark this occasion that has been steadily organised since 1977, the worldwide museum community organises around May 18 special events all over the world.

This year the International Council of Museums (ICOM) has chosen the slogan Museums for a Sustainable Society in order to recognise the role of museums in raising awareness among their public on the need for a less wasteful society, with more solidarity that uses resources in a more environmentally friendly way.  As supporters of sustainable development and authentic laboratories of outstanding practices, current museums play a key role in this transition and they must consolidate their position and make their voice heard in this context.

To this end, LABoral has programmed a series of free activities for this weekend open to the participation of the public.

  • Free guided tours

Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial has organised free guided tours to the exhibitions (Ready) MediaOcho visiones de un paisaje que nunca se termina de hacerNel Amaro. Acción Poética, and Yuri Suzuki. El sonido de las olas.

These tours will also include a visit to venues of LABoral not usually seen in regular visits. On this occasion, the public will have the chance to know first-hand fabLAB Asturias and how the only digital fabrication lab integrated in an art centre that exists in the world works. The Digital Fabrication Lab of LABoral is integrated in the worldwide fab labs network sponsored the Center for Bits and Atoms of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

The public will also have access to other venues, such as the Plat0, that hosts one of the activities included in the educational programme auLAB, TVLAB. Experimental Television Lab that includes a communication platform and and an experimental television where students learn how to use all the tools needed to make a tv show. The transit warehouse, entry and distribution point for works and materials for exhibitions at LABoral, will also be included in this journey through the working spaces of a 14.000 square feet Centre.

Date: Friday 15, Saturday 16 and Sunday 17
Hour: 12.30 p.m. and 16.30 p.m.

  • Presentation of on-going work Mix-en-Sceneby Amaranta Velarde

The Asturian dancer, choreographer and performer Amaranta Velarde, will be presenting to the public some of the research  and development process of Mix-en-Scene. This project is aimed at developing an acoustic-choreographic experience for the viewer. Currently living in Barcelona, Amaranta Velarde completes with this presentation to the public a production residency at LABoral, where she has worked on this piece that endeavours to construct the figure of a dj-performer at  the service of hyper-productivity and the reproduction of (sampled) historic and iconic fragments of dance and music.

During the research process Amaranta Velarde has worked with texts from Nicola Borriud’s work Postproducción. La cultura como escenario: modos en que el arte reprograma el mundo contemporáneo. The piece Mix-en-scene explores the strategies of edition, accumulation, juxtaposition, dislocation and discontinuity in the materials, with the aim of developing a composition between body, action, audio and other stage elements that result in new structures and versions of the historic materials.

Date: May 15
Hour: 19 p.m.

  • Robotics in family

LABoral has been developing in partnership with Robotix Educación,  a wide annual programme of workshops and camps aimed at introducing children to basic concepts of robotics and programming, while at the same time developing their creativity and critical thinking.

On the occasion of the International Day of Museums, on Saturday 16, there will be two workshops, addressed to children and families, providing an introduction to robotics. These one-hour workshops will take place from half-past noon and 1.30 p.m. Resgistration is free of charge and can be done at the entry of the Art Centre.

The construction set LEGO WeDo and the platform Lego Mindstorm NXT will be used in these workshops for building robots.

Date: May 16
Hour: 12.30 p.m. and 13.30 p.m.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Rutas de Lectura (reading routes)

Rutas de Lectura proposes a family journey through literature and art. On Sunday, May 17, from noon to 1.30 p.m. LABoral will host this creative workshop encouraging reading by TresBrujas, addressed to families with children from 3 to 8.

Rutas de Lectura is a project created and conducted by TresBrujas,  an initiative to promote reading, coordinated by the experts in children and young people literature Lara Meana, Beatriz Sanjuán and Olalla H. Ranz

Conducted by: Beatriz Sanjuan and Lara Meana, experts in promotion of reading and children and young people literature, of TresBrujas team.

Date: May 17
Hour: Noon – 1.30 p.m.
Impart: Beatriz Sanjuan y Lara Meana, TresBrujas
Participants: Up to 15 families
More information [+]

About of the International Day of Museums 2015 [+]
