
Tomás Miñambres Lara

Until 27 April 2009

DVD video & b/w photographic series. 3, 3 min. Photos by: Tomás Miñambres Becerra.

Tomás Miñambres presents an installation, consisting of a video and a wide set of photos, which directly addresses the site where the exhibition is taking place while at once transcending it. The photos were taken in 1959 by the artist’s father. Fascist ideology, the dissolution of the individual in a structured and tightly marshalled mass, but also the possibility of life beyond this power, are complemented by a video recorded in the former gymnasium at Universidad Laboral, site of the current art centre, which speaks of cloning and repetition but also of the fragility of the construction of identity. The memory of the place itself is thus recalled through various acts of re-appropriation both of the—collective and personal—past itself and of the transformations taking place in the present.