Infant School and Primary Education Workshop. Visualizing Sound

10th april – 22th june 2012

The LABoral mediation team has conceived the following workshop-visit aimed at children and primary school children. The exhibition Visualizar el sonido (Visualising sound) proposes to explore the different graphic and physical representations of sound, and its evolution in the context of contemporary art.

The activity is designed as an exercise in listening, identifying and relating sounds to the images of objects, animals, people ….. that produce them.

Help with transport

If you are interested, we offer a transport subsidy of 60 euros for centres coming from the city of Gijón, Oviedo and Avilés and 100 euros for centres coming from other towns.

For more information, please contact

or by phone on 985 331 907

Programme of activities funded by the Ministry for Culture and Sports of the Principality of Asturias

cultura y deporte