II LAB<20 Exhibition

30 November 2018 – 16 February 2019

Sample of the winning projects of the 2nd LAB<20 Award, a prize that rewards the creative use of technology by young Asturians under the age of twenty.

Nine proposals make up the LAB<20 Exhibition, which includes the award-winning projects and honorable mentions of the Second Call for the LAB<20 Award. An award created by LABoral Centro de Arte, which aims to give visibility and share with society the technical and creative potential of Asturian digital natives, under twenty years of age.

The exhibition shows the most outstanding proposals, made by students from schools and institutes from various parts of Asturias, such as Avilés, Navia, Gijón and Trubia, in addition to other young people who have submitted individually to the call. .

Each of these projects reflects the existing potential in disciplines such as audiovisual and sound creation, robotics, creative programming or digital design and manufacturing, as well as interest in topics as different as natural and architectural heritage, conservation of the environment or personal relationships.

The exhibition also wants to highlight the initiatives promoted by the teachers of schools and institutes, which promote in an original and committed way the preparation of their students for the digital world, and implement, through these means, increasingly interdisciplinary learning. of the students.

At LABoral we want to contribute to the promotion of critical and creative use of technology among young people, so that they are not mere consumers of digital offers. They are the protagonists of a new generation that faces the challenges and changes derived from the scientific and technological advances of today’s society. New ways of perceiving, conceiving and relating to the world around us.

To carry out the exhibition, LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation has the collaboration of the Banco Sabadell Foundation, committed to education and the digital society.


Coral Izquierdo Muñiz, Cristina Vidales Carrasco, Manuel Álvarez Fernández (Colegio Salesiano Santo Ángel); Paula Álvarez, Eva Castro, Manuel Fernández, Lorena Lima, Lucía López, Nuria Pérez, Ángela Pertierra, Rodrigo Tudanca (IES GALILEO GALILEI); Enol Arias Salceda, Mario Fernández Domínguez, Alejandro Fernández López, Pelayo García Álvarez, Israel Gutiérrez González, Pablo Menéndez Fernández, Javier Muñiz Petrov, (IES Río Trubia); Laura Gopfert Junquera, Lucía Suárez Viniegra; Sara Ramos Rodríguez, Sheila Solana Álvarez, Mariano Ruiz; Jerico Mijael Aguilar Franco, Richard Andrés Benegas Cabañas, Javier Fernández Noval; Yaiza Granda, Alexia Arredondo, María Losa; Aída Alonso Peral, Paula Alonso Peral and José Ramón Suárez Bajo.
