I Call for Artistic Residencies 2021

4th december 2020 – 18th january 2021

Residencies aimed at Asturian artists and creators or residents in Asturias

LABoral has a stable schedule of activities but also wants to be open to opportunities for collaboration in projects that arise in its closest environment. Furthermore, it is the interest of the art center to contribute to the consolidation and growth of the Asturian artistic sector.

To this end, it makes several spaces available to the artistic community to host artistic residencies for research and/or production by Asturian artists or artists residing in Asturias.

Purpose of the call:

The call seeks to collaborate in the production of artistic projects by Asturian creators who develop work residencies at LABoral between 2 and 6 months. LABoral will select a minimum of 5 projects.

Available spaces (summary):

– Studies 2 and 3: between February and July 2021

– Sound LAboratory: between February and July 2021

– Project room: between February and March 2021


LABoral will provide the spatial, technical and human resources for each project, according to the availability and schedule described in the bases.

In return, the artist or collective undertakes to carry out an activity around the topic of their research or production during their residency or up to three months following it. In addition, LABoral must be mentioned in all project communications as a collaborator.

Presentation and selection of proposals

Asturian artists and/or groups residing in Asturias will send their proposals until January 18, 2021 at 12:00 pm through the form below and a jury composed of the Artistic Director and the person in charge of LABoral exhibitions and an external jury will evaluate them according to the criteria that appear in the bases.

Project submission form[+]

Consult all the information about spaces, selection and conditions in the bases [+]

Call failure

Logo Laboral
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