Frankenstein House. Where is the mediation bureau?

Until 28 April 2017

This activity is aimed at designing a mediation project, a cultural production in the context of the exhibition but not dependent on it. The idea of a mediation bureau is a metaphor of Dr. Frankenstein and the mediation activities are a metaphor of the body of the monster to be built.

In “Frankenstein educador”, P. Meirieu explains that there is a great difference between mere training, that is finite, and true education, that is a project without end.

When teaching and learning are considered as training for specific tasks and techniques and educators forget anything related with the teaching of moral issues, they are creating monsters, little “Frankensteins”. On the other hand, when teaching and learning are considered never-ending processes related with philosophical concepts regarding what is good and what is evil, then instead of creating monsters we are creating full knowledge individuals.

Along several face-to-face work sessions, together with any self-organised and independent sessions that might come about along this process, Jordi and María develop this idea of Meirieu in the context of the exhibition.


– make visible and reflect upon the educational processes that occur in museums and art centres as a metaphor of the space where the process of true unending education takes place.

– understand pedagogy proposals as a corpus to be built and participants as co-creators of this corpus that precisely invites them to explore the difference between training (poiesis) or educating (praxis)

Conducted by: Jordi Ferreiro, artist and educator (SP) designs the mediation device and María Acaso, professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and founding partner of the collective Pedagogías Invisibles (SP), conducts the activation sessions

Aimed to: educators and those interested in art and education coming either from formal or non-formal education

Participants: 15

Times and dates: 30th November-2nd December 2016, 15th -17th March and 26th-28th April 2017, from 4 to 7 p.m.
