Flying digital musical instruments workshop

6th to 8th march 2020

The main idea is to add a light layer of electronics and sensors to our flying object. Our computers will be able to connect to these objects via Wifi and read data from inclination, orientation, height sensors, etc. With that information and with the movement of our flying objects… we will create a music band!

The first two days we will work on transforming the kite (or any other flying object) and controlling it. On the last day we will practice with sounds to prepare an improvised concert on the beach!

1. Flying Object: What flying object is useful for us? Anything that does not have an engine: kites, helium balloons, etc. The bigger the better since we will have to add a few grams of weight. We will not work with drones or powered aircraft.

If you have one of these non-powered items, bring it. It will be great to try to transform it. If not, tell us in advance when you sign up for the workshop and we will find something for you.

2. Finally, if you have a laptop, bring it too. You can play music with it by connecting via Wifi. If you don’t have it or can’t bring it, we will connect your kite to our computers and show you how you can do it yourself.

3. A speaker (bluetooth or not) to connect to the computer and listen to the sound. If you don’t have one, we will lend you one.

Taught by Enrique Tomás

Artistic Biography ( Tomás is a sound artist and researcher who dedicates his time to finding new forms of expression and play with sound, art and technology. His work explores the intersection between sound art, composition and human-machine interaction. He exhibits and performs continuously throughout Europe and America in institutions, museums and festivals such as ZKM, CTM, Ars Electronica, Museo Reina Sofía, Sónar, IRCAM, STEIM, LEV, Eufónic, SMAK, etc. Tomás has published two albums of experimental sound art (Sense of Place and SDR on 48LAWS). He has been part of several artistic collectives such as (developing noTours), Endphase and Atmósfera-Sustrato-Ruido. As an artist he has won multiple production grants and in 2010 won the Golden Dolphin for best music at the Cannes Corporate Media Festival.

Tomás is an active researcher in the field of new interfaces for musical creation, teaching courses for more than 15 years in electronic instrument design. He defended his doctoral thesis “The Interface-Score” in 2018 having made stays in England and France. He has worked for Medialab Madrid and Futurelab Ars Electronica. Currently he is a postdoctoral researcher at the Tangible Music Lab at the University of Art and Design in Linz (Austria), where he is also the professor of Musical Interfaces in the Interface Culture master’s degree. His research has been periodically published in blind peer-reviewed scientific conferences such as NIME, ICMC, SMC, TENOR, TEI, xCoAx, ICLI, CIM, etc. Currently he is part of the artistic research project “embodied gestures” funded by the Austrian Ministry of Science (PEEK AR-399).

Number of participants: 8 projects (several friends or family can work as a team on the same project). Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Dates: March 6, 7 and 8

Hours: Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sunday from 10:00 to 14:00
