
14th august – 15th october 2011

A new edition of the Pocket Film Festival, which this year is titled Re-make/Re-model.


filMO is a pocket film festival made with mobile devices, such as phones or low-resolution cameras, initially born within LABoral’s LABmóvil project: a citizen participation platform around the production and exchange of audiovisual and digital content.

The purpose of the festival is none other than to promote the development of creative capacities and the critical involvement of adolescents and young creators in a society built and understood from the centrality of the digital image.

In its third edition, filMO continues with the line of work undertaken, maintaining its usual sections:

1. amateur film film:section for pieces made with non-HD cameras, phones and/or micro cameras. Those works that try to build bridges to cinematographic tradition will be especially valued. That is, they aim to establish, through transformation and rereading, the lines of affiliation that, both at the level of form and content, establish the genealogy of the moving image: “…the present is the repeater, the past, the repetition itself, but the future is what is repeated.”

2. Minute sequence:The idea, in this edition, is to focus on the legacy of the Lumière Brothers and study how those small pieces, lasting less than a minute, that partly meant the birth of at least one of the central avenues of cinematographic art – the documentary – , are still valid in our imagination. It is, therefore, about making pieces that do not reach a minute in length in which there are no cuts or changes of plane, that is, that they are articulated in a single sequence. Without looking for remakes that are one hundred percent mimetic with respect to the original pieces, which nevertheless also have a place, it is about looking for the relevance of actions as futile as those that preside over pieces such as El regador irrigated, The Food of a Baby, The Arrival of the train or The departure of the workers from the factory. How can we think about the images we obtain of reality when our world, compared to that of the Lumières, seems immersed in a halo of unreality? These, among many others, are some of the questions that we would like to resolve with this particular tribute to the Lumière films.

3. Guest signatures:around the architecture and/or images from the LABoral archive. The other line of action of the filMO audiovisual festival is located this year in the invitation issued to a series of firms that, from mid-August to mid-October, will visit LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial to make an audiovisual piece around to the Center’s archive, as well as to the architectural complex of the City of Culture.

Rules and prizes:

Each of the three sections that make up the festival are awarded two prizes. On the one hand, the jury prize, of 500 euros, and on the other, the public prize, of 300 euros.

The jury, made up of a series of experts related, both at a critical and professional level, to the universe of moving images, will be directed by the members of the Mediateca_Archivo de LABoral work team and by José Luís Cienfuegos, Director of the International Festival of Gijón Cinema.

filMO will have a Vimeo channel (, where users, after registering in the group, will upload their works and where, in addition, by also registering, the public will be able to vote.

* The public award and the jury award should not necessarily be different. That is, the same director can win both awards.

*The composition of the jury will be announced in the coming days.

* Screening of the finalist videos and awards ceremony during the Gijón International Film Festival.

* Over the next few weeks, the list of invited firms will also be made official.

More information about this event…