
filMO, pocket film festival

16th june – 22th september 2009

A film festival made with mobile technology, aimed at encouraging audiovisual amateur talent

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial has organised filMO, a pocket-sized film festival of movies made with mobile technology, such as
mobile telephones or digital cameras.

The only prerequisite is recording a video, editing it and uploading it onto the festival’s website: www.filmolaboral.com

filMO is divided into three sections:
-“The general public.” This is the official section, where anyone can upload their video. prize. 600 € and a phone Nokia N97
-“Invited guests.” This section features videos by artists and emerging film makers.
-“Schools.” A section reserved for students from any of the following schools: ESAD de Asturias, Escuela de Arte de Oviedo or FP de Imagen and Sonido de Langreo. Prize. 300 €

The videos of all the finalists will be shown and the awards will be given during the 47th edition of the Gijón International Film Festival, which will
be held from the 19th to the 28th of November, 2009.

filMO, pocket-film Festival is part of the LABmóvil project, a projecta bout mobile culture by LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, supported by the Ministry of Culture and Industry, Government of Spain, in collaboration with:


