Fablab Schools EU

1st november 2016 – 31th october 2018

In close cooperation between the administration, the school community and the university, the project aims to develop a European method for teaching digital fabrication and to elaborate a methodological manual based on teacher exchanges between different schools in the four member countries (Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain). European recommendations for digital fabrication will be developed, based on exchange, testing and evaluation.

Methodological principles on the use of digital fabrication in education will be proposed in the form of a handbook, including recommendations on how to adapt this approach and how to adapt policy-making to regional and national contexts in European countries.

The aim is that, by the end of the project, an EU-wide network of schools and teachers interested in adopting and implementing the handbook on educational fabrication will be formed and the Fablabs’ approach will be adapted by policy makers and public managers in European countries.


  • VK (Denmark) as coordinator of the inter-municipal initiative “Fablab@SchoolDK”.
  • Center of Advanced Visualization and Interaction (CAVI) of Aarhus University (Denmark).
  • Verenigung Ons Middelbaar Onderwijs. Organisation made up of several schools. The local project partner is the school “Theresia Lyceum”.
  • CSC (Italy)
  • LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Spain)