The artist Yuri Suzuki presents The sound of waves at the Sound Lab of Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial. The installation explores the “white noises”, a sound that gives people relaxation and comfort.
The sound of waves is an installation recreating the patterns of sea waves, using data from certain beaches around the world, and reproducing them acoustically with an African rainstick.
The unpredictable nature of surf patterns is well-known due to its relaxing effect on people. The artist Yuri Suzuki intends to create at the Sound LAB “white noise” –random sound whose power spectral density is a constant, i.e., it is represented flat on a graph – in order to awaken, with this work, the perception of comfort and joy.
The installation places acoustics in a central role in the viewers’ mind, getting rid of any unnecessary excess. This enables sound to travel through the brain, changing the brain waves of viewers and the chemical messages that might affect their mood.
Both the artist and the work produced are a joint proposal by L.E.V. 2015 and LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial.
Responsible for the programme at SoundLAB: Daniel Romero
A sound installation for relaxation at the Sound LAB