Cartographies to Anticipate a Movement
Universo Video surveys the current state of the production of distribution of moving images, with the intent to reect upon their importance in contemporary culture. Video is a process that can record the real, while simultaneously reshaping the way we grasp our environment.
Over its relatively short history so far, video has developed a specic language of its own based on its ability to simultaneously produce and re-produce images. And nevertheless, the grammar of this language is constantly changing, at times engaging with lm, or with photography, television or even performance, for which it was used to record various actions. Besides acting as an index of the real, the video is able to expand the idea of time, articulating a ow of images that are consumed live, at the service of communication in our global village.
By focusing their camera on a number of both urban and natural spaces, the eight artists on exhibit bring the successive strata of the territory to the surface. Given the mimetic and yet poetic quality of the representation of moving images, this show is about complementary mental and descriptive ways of reading a place and its features: buildings, streets, rocks, trees, or shores. And also hidden or invisible spaces that operate as hinge points between the particular and the modern endeavour to standardise the image of the world, like blind spots that at once unite and separate, making a show of imposing limits and boundaries while at the same time erasing them.
Maps stand in opposition to the exact replica, the identical. Just like the films on show here, maps speak through a performative approach to reality, in other words, one that is possible to dismantle and to modify. In consequence, seeing again is more than just returning to the same. Likewise, reproducing is not just a case of reproducing in order to establish the same once again.
Curator: Alfredo Aracil
Artists: Pauline Delwaulle, Laura Huertas Millán, Jeanne Lafon, He Won Lee, Laurent Mareschal, Momoko Seto, Ana Vaz, João Vieira Torres
In collaboration with:
Le Fresnoy Studio National des Arts Contemporains
Collaborating Board Member:
Fundación Telefónica