Towards an agropolitan citizenship

17 November 2021 – 29 January 2022

An exhibition on the relations between rural and urban areas in the council of Gijón

This exhibition shows part of the result of the program of participatory and artistic activities that has been developed since March 2021, led by the artist Virginia López, in the villages of Trubia and Veranes, in the rural environment of Gijón.

Towards an agropolitan citizenshipwas born from a series of experiences and projects carried out by the artist within the framework of PACA_Proyectos Artísticos Casa Antonino since 2014 that seek to value rural culture for its transformative potential for a new ecology of the territory.

In short, this project is born from a commitment to a specific place, aware that the processes of transformation of the territory and the pressures it suffers are common to many other rural and peri-urban areas in Spain and Europe.

The project mixes artistic practice and traditional knowledge with ways of doing and collaborating from contemporary creation. Situated practices in which the educational is diluted in the experiential, small-scale, rooted in the local but connected with other contexts (temporal and spatial), favoring cultural hybridizations or grafts that respond to a reality that is also hybrid, because identities, The territories we inhabit and our cultural heritage are continually being built and we are a responsible party.

The activity has been organized around a symbolic but also physical axis: granaries and bread baskets, recovering them as spaces for work and socialization, for planting and harvesting.

Throughout the project, methodologies typical of traditional agricultural culture have been used, such as shared work in filandón or la andecha, reciprocity between people who feel part of a community, long and repetitive times related to life and cycles of nature or the craftsmanship of artisan knowledge and memory.

The exhibition covers the different workshops and works carried out throughout this process. The contents are grouped following thematic axes that, as happens with a landscape, dialogue and converge in a choral environment installation. The publication of a teaching guide complements this project, necessarily open, with the aspiration that shared learning can be applied in the educational field and become useful tools that are appropriated by the educational community.

Towards an agropolitan citizenshipis a project by Virginia López in collaboration with LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial. It has been selected in the “Art for Change” 2020 call by Fundación la Caixa and has the support of Impulsa-Gijón.

Coordinator: Virginia López

Collaborators: Daniel Franco, Fernando Oyágüez, Grigri Projects (Susana Moliner and David Pérez), Econodos (Lorena Lozano), Cristina Cantero, Galiana, Papyriphera (Juna Barbé and Carmen Sevilla), A_Tintúra (Massimo Baldini), Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies and AAVV from Cenero Los 16

Graphic and spatial design: Pasajero37

Video: Nadia Penella

A sincere thank you to the neighbors of the village of Trubia and its surroundings, to those who have opened the doors of their granaries and paneras to us and of course to all the people who have participated in the workshops and meetings, whose contributions are part of this exhibition: Guayarmina Díaz, Alejandro Suárez, Rosa and Gloria Pintueles, Natalia Hevia, Carmela Saavedra, Regina, Marisa Requena, Marina, Mariana Padilla, Ana López, Lucía Marín, Maite Centol, Oscar and Adri, Esther and Carmen, Gerardo and Juan Carlos , Teresa, Stefania, María, Pelayo and Juan, Tomás, Martín, Lucía, Clara, Nacho, Manu, Marina, Laforesta…

More information on the website:


Exhibition images
