The Plants Sense (2018) is an installation that allows, through an intelligent interface-suit, to know and experience the secret language of plants. It is a transdisciplinary work which connects art, science, technology and society.
The work consists of an interactive garden in which different sensors measure the electrical oscillations of the connected plants, and show their biochemical reactions to the human presence and the environment that surrounds them.
All this information is processed and translated into vibrations and low frequency sounds that allow the perception of the plants through a wearable. Likewise, different interfaces in the garden provide to experiment and feel in their own hands the registered reactions of the plants, through different electronic devices.
This interaction makes possible the communication between humans and plants, thus reaching the understanding of the vegetal language, unattainable without the help of the robotic systems developed by the artist.
This device translates and transmits precisely those signals that humans, due to our limited perceptual system, cannot receive in other way.
Work designed by María Castellanos and Alberto Valverde with the support of the VERTIGO project as part of the STARTS program of the European Commission, based on technological elements from the Flora Robotica, with the support of LABoral