(Ready) Media

Towards an archaeology of media and invention in Mexico

20 April 2015 – 20 October 2015

The exhibition proposes a critical reading of the visual archive compiled throughout the ten years of life of Laboratorio Arte Alameda from Mexico City—a space committed with the exhibition, documentation and research of the practices that engage and dialogue with the relationship between art and technology in the city.

The core axis of (Ready) Media revolves around art practices using media and technology, as well as the aesthetic-political questionings that said practice has aroused in Mexico since the early years of the twenty-first century. The research carried out by Laboratorio Arte Alameda came about following an invitation issued to a group of curators, artists and researchers to interpret the archive. The outcome is this audiovisual series of more than 23 hours, made up by around 200 pieces created by seminal Mexican practitioners in this field. The seven sections were selected by Juan Pablo Anaya y Gabriela Méndez, Jesse Lerner, Grace Quintanilla, Liliana Quintero, Manuel Rocha Iturbide e Israel Martínez, Bruno Varela, Erandy Vergara, David Wood and by the directors of the project themselves, Karla Jasso and Tania Aedo.

(Ready) Media makes no pretensions to laying down the definitive guidelines for interpreting electronic or technological art in Mexico. Rather, it is a first step from the perspective of concepts like archaeology and the “deep time of the media”, to borrow Siegfried Zielinsky’s term. The goal of the project is to set in place and define connections with previous experiences; to find and examine “the new in the past”; and to question “the new” in the present day imaginary. It also wishes to explore artists’ current use of “new” media, and the value conferred on them in the cultural sphere, as well as the ways in which they subvert interaction with the global trends of the information society.

(Ready) Media will present two reviews of this archive, to take place from 15 April to 12 July and from 15 July to 25 October respectively.

Artist: Iván Abreu, María José Alós y Artemio Narro, Francis Alÿs y Rafael Ortega, Oscar Rodrigo Alonso Inclán, Víctor Alzina, Rocío Aranda de la Figuera y Uriel López España, Antonio Arango, Adrián Arce, Diego Rivera y Antonio Zirión, Marcela Armas, Ensamble Áspero, Peter Avar, Ulises Barreda, Iñaki Bonillas-DJ Sondera, Alfredo Borboa, Bruno Bresani, Germán Bringas & Julio Clavijo, Tania Candiani, Domenico Capello, Ulises Carrión, Ricardo Castillo, Rocío Cerón y Bishop, Mayra Isabel Céspedes Vaca, Arcángel Constantini, Ángel Cosmos, Juan José Díaz Infante y Arturo Márquez, Antonio Coello, Cremance, Jessica Cruz, Ximena Cuevas, Manuel de Elías, Mario de Vega, Juan Carlos de la Parra, Ana de la Rosa y Lorena Rossette, Paulina del Paso, Iván Edeza, Manuel Enríquez, Felipe Ehrenberg, Carolina Esparragoza, Gilberto Esparza, Generación Espontánea, Antonio Fernández Ros, Nuria Fragoso, Fernando Frías, Arthur-Henry Fork, Arturo Fuentes, Guillermo Galindo, Andrés García Franco, Anni Garza Lau, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Juan José Gurrola, Ariel Guzik, Alejandra Hernández, Alejandra Islas, Enrique Ježik, Jesse Lerner y Rubén Ortiz, Los Lichis, Erika Loic, Fernando Llanos, Israel Martínez, Sara Minter, José Manuel Mondragón, Taniel Morales, Manrico Montero, Ricardo Nicolayevsky, Txema Novelo, Gabriel Orozco, Andrés Padilla Domene, Elena Pardo, Punto pig, Phantom Power, Iván Puig, Grace Quintanilla, Daniel Reyes, Jorge Reyes y Lidia Camacho, Roberto Reyes, Juan José Rivas, Víctor Manuel Rivas-Dávalos, Manuel Rocha Iturbide, Gregorio Rocha, Alfredo Salomón, Luz María Sánchez, Guillermo Santamarina, Juan Sebastián, Rodrigo Sigal, Rogelio Sosa, Rosario Sotelo, Wilfrido Terrazas, Adriana Trujillo, Naomi Uman, Luis Emilio Valdés, Mauricio Valdez, Bruno Varela, Verbobala, Juan Pablo Villegas

Curator: Gustavo Romano

Coordination of the Project: Tania Aedo and Karla Jasso

– Overflow. Mechanicity and Obsolescence in Art and Technology Today
By Gabriela Méndez y Juan Pablo Anaya
– Voice Over, I
By Tania Aedo and Karla Jasso
– Experimental Music, Art, Poetry and Sound Experimentation in Mexico
By Manuel Rocha Iturbide and Israel Martínez
– Contemporary Experimental Audiovisual in Mexico
By David Wood
– The Memorable Familiar
By Grace Quintanilla
– Cine povera
By Jesse Lerner
– Notes on a Review of Video Curatorships
By Erandy Vergara

Promotional video [+]

