Pablo Valbuena. ‘Para-Sites’

1st july – 8th november 2010

1 July 2010 – 08 November 2010

Para-Sites features a series of subtle interventions conceived for interstitial spaces, locations and human-scale architectural elements at Laboral. By means of projections, a parallel reality is superimposed on that of the space itself. The interventions work as parasites, disturbing and altering our perceptions of an already familiar place. 

This project fits in with the research and creation explored in recent installations. Pablo Valbuena examines the relationship of our body as an interface with the surrounding space, the generation of mental spaces, the space-time continuum, and the manipulation of perception through the use of light and shadow, perspective and trompe l’oeil. The resulting installations are invariably site specific, intrinsically related to the architecture and interacting with the spaces they are conceived for.


LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial and Matadero Madrid

Matadero Madrid

Technical direction: Plataforma 0_LABoral Centro de Producción

