For the third year running, LABoral has organised SummerLAB, an annual event conceived to bring young digital creators and developers together with the purpose of working on collaborative projects. After an open international call, eight projects were chosen to be developed over a period of ten days during the month of July at Plataforma 0_LABoral Centro de Producción. The call made a special appeal for projects engaged with: the use of mobile and similar technologies; the generation of resources for the community of creators; the contribution of innovative solutions in creativity and technology with social applications or committed with the environment. SummerLAB_2010 fosters research and development of production within the framework of mobility, mobile technologies and the way in which they generate new processes and narratives. SummerLAB_Showcase gives creators and developers a chance to present and document their work in a new exhibition context, revolving around four of LABoral’s main areas of interest: education, research, production and exhibition.
Spatial design: Longo + Roldán
Pilar de la Banda/Héctor Noval, Ál Cano/Efraín Foglia, Paolo Cirio,, Baruch Gottlieb/Horacio González Diéguez/Coco Moya,,, ://, Mari Jo Ribas
Funded by: Plan Avanza, dentro del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011 del Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio (proyecto plurianual: LABmóvil).