Behind the Scene

Martín Freire

19 June 2015 – 30 August 2015

Winning project of the third Production Grant DKV Seguros – Álvarez Margaride

Behind the Scene is in line with the reflective discourses present in the artistic work of Rodrigo Martín Freire about the history of Contemporary Art that takes the relationship between reality and representation to the limit. This work aims expose the public powers and their lack of moral scruples when it comes to manipulating messages. How they conceal, deny, change or mask information in order to control the behavioural paths of individuals who are increasingly alienated.

Behind the Scene is an installation featuring fake advertising banners where homogenous lights show sentences and images made with corporeal letters, whose interpretation is affected by the interference of several atmospheric agents generated by the free software Arduino. The possibility that these messages are mixed randomly, are hidden or coincide shows the lack of connection that occurs somewhere between the original idea of the broadcaster and what the receiver eventually understands.

This work is part of the research carried out by the artist in Intervenciones vinculantes, a title that actually does not refer to any specific project and at the same time refers to all projects. It is a work in progress by an artist whose work connects ideas with people with the purpose of creating synergies beyond the pre-established artistic limits. Martín Freire uses in Behind the Scene topics of his daily life and resources of graphic design and advertising to present a distorted vision of an apparent reality.

Behind the Scene is the winning project of the III Beca de Producción DKV Seguros – Álvarez Margaride and has been produced at Plataforma 0 Centro de Producción de LABoral.

