Javier Longobardo: Space Clips

17th april – 15th june 2009

17 April 2009 – 15 June 2009

Space Clips is an audiovisual Project that uses the video clip format to achieve the greatest sensorial impact, using its condition of integrated language. These videos are the fruit of the artist’s collaboration with musicians who helped him provide imagery for the music of his preference. Part of the project includes object sculptures that show slides of virtual landscapes: 3D object viewers that, like tourist paraphernalia, give an impression of a mentally visited distant reality to the exhibition space.Space Clips is based in tools provided by the road movie film genre as a paradigm for speculative creation of fantastic and unlimited worlds . The project generates spatially coherent creations, but without physical limitations, using 3D infographic technologies. This permits the reflection of epic atmospheres proper to the world of science fiction, a legitimate refuge for the romantic landscape upon which the artist is currently focused.

A site-specific project for LABoral Projects’ Office

