Extensiones-Anclajes. Phase I

30th march – 30th june 2007

30 March 2007 – 30 June 2007

Among the various shows programmed for the opening of the LABoral Centre for Art and Creative Industries, demonstrating the driving force of its conception and the ambition of the mission it has set itself, includes an exhibition focussed on and in Asturias, coupling an openness to the outside world with an overview of the art being produced in Asturias at the current moment. Extensions – Anchors explores several of the lines of action established by LABoral as its guidelines: a commitment with the art generated in its social field of origin, a spatial openness and an ongoing presence in the various geographical areas of the region, overcoming all possible discrimination between rural and urban environments, and a determined will to maintain that dialogue alive through the organisation of periodical exhibitions and activities.

On another note, the exhibition shifts an emphasis onto historical buildings, alternative venues and natural spaces, reflecting the breadth of cultural and landscape identity in Asturias, conceiving them as transmitters of an artistic heritage and tradition capable of assimilating new vocabularies and means of expression.

That said, these motivations are secondary concerns orbiting around the basic premise of the show, which is none other than providing a broad overview of the current situation of art in Asturias with fourteen artists working in various disciplines, who will intervene in thirteen spaces scattered throughout the region. The artists were selected and invited to take part based on a number of criteria, including the suitability, quality and rigour of the proposals, an assessment of their overall body of work and critical evaluation, the singularity of their respective vernaculars, a proven commitment with the region’s artistic activity or homegrown artists developing their work, either temporarily or permanently, outside the region. This group of proposals is materialised in this ambitious exhibition project aimed at conveying a true impression of the wealth, complexity and versatility of contemporary creation in Asturias, ranging from the use of traditional expressions to the latest artistic manifestations, turning the conceptual formulation of the value of one’s own experience and its contribution to the definition of a culture receptive, critical and open to dialogue, into a reality.

Curator: Paco Crabifosse

Artists: Maite Centol, Avelino Sala, Adolfo Manzano, Pablo Armesto, Juan Carlos Martínez, Natalia Pastor, Cuco Suárez


Exhibition images
