Poetic, political and technical research on satellites
Orbitando satélites [Orbiting Satellites] displays the results from a research process initiated by LABoral’s Plataforma Cero in May 2011 from a meeting bearing the same name. In the words of Mathurin Milan: “Galileo destroyed geocentricism, but this was in itself reconstructed due to the unstoppable ambition for connectivity, represented by the ring of artificial geostationary satellites. And so the Earth became –once again– an immobile object in the centre of a medial universe.”
Orbitando satélites proposes an exercise on the visibilisation of these objects which hold a great and hidden influence on our daily lives in spite of being concealed from the human eye. Research is conducted on how they operate, gaining access to their signals by fabricating antennae and using radio systems; showing how to locate and observe them through the use of free software.
Following the tradition of independent communities involved in the creation of Free Information infrastructures, the meeting brings together experts and amateurs from different countries and cultures to draw up a declaration that poetically sketches a map of the possible uses of satellite-technology based systems.
In an attempt to reverse Panoptical logic, the satellites that watch over us will be observed and their political implications as a non-transparent system of control –as well as their potential as a liberating force- will be explored; their poetry will be investigated through visualisation and creative exercises in order to access a mythology and even a new kind of astrology. And in the final stage, an actual satellite is designed which will be launched by balloon in July to coincide with the exhibition.
Participants: Alejandro Duque / Joanna Griffin / David Pello / Reni Hofmueller / Luca Carrubba “Husk” / Lord Epsylon / Xiu Cueva / Bruno Vianna / Cinthia Mendonça / Laura Plana / Pedro Soler / Gonzalo Garcia / Pablo Gallo / Victor Mazón / Raquel de Juan / Teresa Gallego Alvarez / Ana Arboleya / Nuria Rodriguez / Cristina Ferrández / Lorena Lozano / Josian Llorente / Aritz Zabaleta /
Produced by: Plataforma Cero
In collaboration with: