Electronics, art and ecology
This exhibition draws together the evolution and results of the work carried out by ecoLAB, a place for experimentation in the intersections of open electronics, art and ecology. Articulated as a multidisciplinary space and open to users, the working group constituted around the project has seen the implementation of different initiatives aimed at functioning as a participative meeting point for research. From the monitoring and construction of sustainable infrastructures to sowing works and artistic interventions carried out in the described areas, the exhibition visualizes the developed work processes and the obtained results to date.
ecoLAB has a marked critical attitude towards pseudo-ecology as a new ideology and towards its disastrous consequences. For this reason, ecoLAB intends to encourage reflection on sustainability, natural processes and the potential of art as a tool for subjectivation. With the aim of generating relational dynamics with the biosphere and its ecosystems based on the implementation of eco-technologies (high-tech and low-tech), ecoLAB supports knowledge transference among the working group members and participants in the activities, striving for the collaborative construction of space.