Dédalo España

8th april – 27th june 2011

8 April 2011 – 27 June 2011

When a multinational corporation does not want to talk to the client, it creates a labryrinth.

Dédalo España by Adrián Cuervo, is an exhibition project physically and conceptually exploring the labyrinths created by multinational companies and corporations to deal with clients, or in this case the public. Dédalo España is a corporation created expressly for this purpose, using the communication strategies of real companies, yet concentrated and amplified. “Visit our new headquarters, it’s an unforgettable experience”. 

Largely unawares, we accept hundreds of “agreements and conditions of use” every single day, unwittingly entering into a direct legal relationship with corporations. When we buy a ticket for a concert or visit a website, we automatically accept scores of clauses that exempt the organisation from all sorts of imaginable liabilities and burden us with things we never even knew existed. So overwhelming is the number of these “ghost contracts” that we do not have enough real time in our hands to find out and read—let alone understand—what it is we are actually accepting. Nor have we time to revise those contracts that remain valid throughout our lives, given that their “terms may change without prior notice.”


More information about this event…

