This is the Ars Electronica Animation Festival’s annual best – of program – a compilation of outstanding works chosen from 835 projects submitted this year for Prix Ars Electronica.
The two programs of this year’s Ars Electronica Animation Festival are once again an international showcase of excellence in current digital filmmaking.
This compilation presents new innovative trajectories within digital storytellin g, expanded narration as well as current cinematography at the intersection of art and science and brings together works with contemporary positions.
Curation by Juergen Hagler
Trailer & Graphics by Elmar Glaubauf and Victoria Wolfersberger
Layout by Elmar Glaubauf
In collaboration with the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs the Ars Electronica Animation Festival is available at all Austrian cultural forums and embassies worldwide.
At LABoral, this exhibition is possible thanks to a cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Forum.