ENCAC (European Network for Contemporary Audiovisual Creation) Roundtable

This round table will showcase the latest activities and future projects of the ENCAC network.

30 September 2017

The European Network for Contemporary Audiovisual Creation (ENCAC) is a transnational cooperation project of support, fostering, dissemination and interaction between citizens, artists and researchers interested in visual arts, sound creation and digital culture.

Leaded by LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Spain), with the collaboration of L.E.V. Festival (Visual Electronics Laboratory) as a strategic partner, ENCAC is supported by the programme Creative Europe and it is composed of five European cultural institutions and platforms: Ars electronica (Austria), Disk (Germany), Resonate (Serbia), Le Lieu Unique (France) and hTh-CDN (France). This network extends to other partners outside Europe such as Avatar (Canada), ELEKTRA (Canada), Mutek (Mexico) and Mapping Festival (Switzerland.

This panel is dedicated to presenting some of the ENCAC Network recent and upcoming plans and projects. The presentations will be followed by a discussion about cultural networks and their role in forming international collaborations and bridging realities. Participants include: Karin Ohlenschläger (Artistic director of LABoral), Prodromos Tsiavos (Onassis Cultural Centre), Daniel Romero (Director of Meq, hTh from Montpellier), Rafael Machado (Semibreve Festival Braga, Portugal). Panel Moderated by Lucía García Rodríguez (Managing director of LABoral).

Addressed to: people interested in visual arts, sound creation, digital culture, cultural networks and innovation.
