WORK on the weekend: Re-producing AUTO. Dream and matter

4th july – 20th september 2009


Playing AUTO. Dream and matterThey are 8+1 workshops for the whole family that will take place every weekend in July and August, and will culminate in an exhibition of the work that will coincide with the closing of the Auto exhibition. Dream and matter. Participants in the workshops will also be called for a final workshop in which they will be able to curate the sample of the works carried out during the workshops, deciding aspects such as the placement of the works, their lighting, the design of the invitations, etc.


Workshop Someone else’s car, based on the work of Ahmet Ögut.

With the simple use of cardboard, albal paper and other consumable materials, the families participating in this workshop are proposed to transform their utility cars into a taxi, a police car or even a car from outer space.MEDIUM: intervention.DATES : Saturday, July 4. LOCATION: LABoral Centro de Arte (and its rear parking lot). HOURS: Saturday from 12 to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m.

Crazy Cars Workshop, based on the works of Hervé Coqueret, Pedro Reyes and Alain Bublex.

Inspired by some of the craziest cars in the exhibition and by Hannah Barbera’s animated series Wacky Races, families will be able to draw their ideal car-gacheto, the car with all the gadgets they can imagine.MEDIUM: design, painting. DATES: Saturday, July 11. PLACE: LABoral Centro de Arte (and LABcine). TIME: Saturday from 12 to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m.

Workshop Cars and owners, based on the works of Félix Curto and Andrew Bush.

Based on the photographs of the artists Felix Curto and Andrew Bush, the children in this workshop will be asked, through a series of questions, to define the possible driver of each of the cars and their parents to record the children’s explanations. with the camera of a mobile phone.MEDIUM: photography, video.DATES: Saturday, July 18.PLACE: LABoral Centro de Arte.HOURS: Saturday from 12 to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m.

Parking Workshop, based on the works of Jum-Bum Park and Maider López.

In this workshop, children will be taught the “rules” of parking and its conventional nature. Children will then be able to play with these rules by using toy cars in a micro-parking lot designed with chalk on the ground. When finished they will compose a kind of colored painting with the lines of the parking lot and the strollers. MEDIA: video, installation. DATES: Saturday, July 25.
LOCATION: LABoral Centro de Arte (and its rear parking lot). HOURS: Saturday from 12 to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m.

Pneumatic Crafts Workshop, based on the works of Betsabée Romero and Edward Burtynsky.

Using scissors, paints and various utensils, families will be able to decorate and beautify old car tires and then create a work of art with them. MEDIUM: sculpture, ready-made. DATES: Saturday, August 1. PLACE : LABoral Centro de Arte. SCHEDULE: Saturday from 12 to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m.

Workshop A trip by car, based on the works of Juan Fernández and Julien Opie.

Inspired by the images of travel and roads in the works of these two artists, participants in this workshop must imagine and write a complete story by car. To facilitate the script of the story, you can be inspired by the works in the exhibition that you like the most. MEDIA: narrative-literature. DATES: Saturday, August 8. PLACE: LABoral Centro de Arte. SCHEDULE: Saturday from 12 to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m.

Workshop How does an engine work?, based on the work of Sylvie Fleury.

A car engine as a sculpture. The parents of the participating children must come with the lesson learned and explain to the children, in front of the Sylvie Fleury sculptures, the operation of a car engine. Then the children, based on their parents’ explanations, will sculpt an engine with plasticine. MEDIUM: sculpture. DATES: Saturday, August 22. PLACE: LABoral Centro de Arte. SCHEDULE: Saturday from 12 to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m.

Workshop The most seen car
, based on the work of Juan del Junco.

Equipped with cameras, participating families must photograph all cars that pass in front of LABoral Centro de Arte for a period of 15 minutes. Each family will choose a car brand as a candidate to be the most visible and at the end of the workshop the bet will be contrasted with the real results of the photographs. The winner of this improvised contest will be awarded a toy car. MEDIA: photography. DATES: Saturday, August 26. PLACE: LABoral Centro de Arte (and its entrance ramp). TIME: Saturday from 12 to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m.


In the last Re-producing AUTO workshop. Dream and matter, participants in previous workshops will be able to produce a sample of the work carried out during the workshops. They will decide on the most relevant aspects of the production of exhibitions such as the placement of the works in the space, lighting, the design of invitations, etc. DATES: Saturday, September 5. LOCATION: LABoral Centro de Arte. SCHEDULE: Saturday 12 to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m.

The day before the closing of the AUTO exhibition. Dream and Matter will coincide with the public exhibition of the works carried out during the workshops, which will be enlivened with a meal and some surprise for the participating families. DATE: September 20. PLACE: LABoral Centro de Arte (Children’s Classrooms). TIME: 17 h.