What to map? On methodologies and participatory construction of tactical cartographies

19th to 20th january 2008


Saturday, January 19, from 12 to 2 and from 4 to 8 p.m.

Presentation of tactical cartographies by hackitectura.net. Background: Sevilla Global 2002 and others; Detailed presentation of the tactical cartography of the Strait. Detailed presentation of Bureau d’Etudes cartographies. Detailed presentation of alternative cartography of Istanbul. Georeferenced maps – nogeoreferenced.

Principle of Cartography according to Deleuze and Guattari; cartography as representation or as performance; interpretation of reality and/or strategic tool; collaborative work of generation, analysis and processing of information; feedback cartography-networks and emerging processes.

Sunday, January 20, from 12 to 2 and from 4 to 8 p.m.

Hegemonic territory/maps vs. other territories/maps; cartography and emerging systems; situation rooms as components of cyborg networks; centralized control and linear processes vs distributed control; the Indymedia case as a distributed situation room / operation room device (Seattle/ OMC; Strait, Euro May Day, 15F 2003…) / disturbance vs control / cases / pilot themes.

First approach to the case of the Situation Room in Asturias: collaborative data production (data mining / data generation); public databases – non-public, proprietary; a community as a mapping subject vs. the cartographer technician or artist: what mapping subjects? with what objectives to map? What data/aspects of reality to map? how to view them? What databases to access? Analysis of the possible application of meipimatic in Situation Room Asturias: activation of social networks; areas; channels/themes; diffusion.

Feedback: how to connect cartography and action/transformation?