This workshop will focus on the creation of programmes for the use of real time video-VJing, installations and interactive video.
Participants will learn how to capture video and prepare loops using Kino, and to manipulate them in real time with Pure Data (PD).
The generation of 3D visuals will also be taught.
Pure Data (PD) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. It is one of the most flexible tools available for creators working with real-time media. PD runs on Linux, OSX and Windows.
Time: from 4 to 9 pm.
Lluís Gómez i Bigorda is a coder and responsible for free software in Hangar, Barcelona. He has led PD workshops in Spain, Brazil, Palestine and France.
Lituz (Carlos López) is an audiovisual performer. He has been playing video internationally.
Hans-Christoph Steiner composes music with computers, builds networks with free software, and works on interactive software. Putting the emphasis on collaboration, he has worked in many forms, including sound, robotics and sensors. He is an active member of the Pure Data.