LABoral organises workshops and seminars as part of the experimental programme in the prevention of early school leaving set in motion by the Directorate General for Professional Training, Curriculum Development and Educational Innovation at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Principality of Asturias.
The three working areas are digital design and fabrication, audiovisuals and an introduction to creative programming.
Television experimentation brings about an understanding of the multiple realities shown in the communication media and, at the same time, allows for the creative and free expression of ideas. With this initial approach in mind, the TV-LAB project in development since October 2009 consists of a communication platform and an experimental TV studio following an educational programme.
Aimed to: a selection of groups of first and second-year students following the special support secondary school curriculum from 12 educational centres in Asturias.
Actividad subvencionada por la Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno del Principado de Asturias a través del