Over the course of a week, we will work on opening different stations/spaces from which to intervene and communicate remotely by testing tools that allow interactive communication through: the exchange of data, the alteration of sensory and environmental conditions. , remote control systems or the creation of virtual spaces from Augmented Reality.
In addition to working with technology, we seek to generate a critical approach that allows us to question the very spaces from which we work, in this case, spaces of cultural production and public institutions. Starting from a critical positioning, reflections will be raised on concepts such as perception, senses, interface, control, reality, occupation and intervention in institutional and public space, and biopolitics.
The technological tools that will be used throughout the workshop are the Scenic software for telecommunications and basic Arduino and PureData modules.
Addressed to: artists, creators, or tool developers, interested in Telepresence from different creative fields (dance, VJing, digital arts, performance, etc.). Previous knowledge of the tools that will be used is not necessary, although an interest in experimenting with these technologies is required.
Participants: maximum 10 people selected from the registrations and based on the complementarity of the different profiles.
Inscription: gratuitous. Send an email to workshops@laboralcentrodearte.org with the following information:
-Name and surname-ID-Contact phone number-Motivation text, why are you interested in participating in the workshop?-Summary of your professional career.
Deadline to register: December 2
Workshop program[+]
Biographies of participants:
Marcel·li Antúnez[+]
Jorge Luis Marzo[+]
With the support of culture Ministry.