Taller Lupo. Construyendo con los Carpinteros

6th october 2010 – 21th february 2011

Dates: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, From October 60th, 2010 to February 21st, 2011
Time: from 10 am to 7 pm
Duration:1 hour
Addressed to: students from Primary and Seconday School
Free entry

T. 985 331 907

The installation of Los Carpinteros, Frío estudio del desastre (Frozen Study of a Disaster) plays on the uncanny relationship to space as a disembodied picture of reality by presenting what appears to be a three-dimensional reconstruction of a photographic image depicting an exploding wall this workshop recreates this sensation with the installationconstruction with the Lupo system. This didactic material has been designed by the architect Fermín Blanco.