Symposium of Medialibraries and Archives for the 21st Century

28th to 29th may 2010

Symposium of Medialibraries and Archives for the 21st Century

The current situation of art and research centres calls for a new, groundbreaking approach to forms of conserving and documenting new media projects and collections and making them available to the user. LABoral wishes to begin a series of debates in an international forum of experts with the intention of fostering debate on the cultural heritage of new formats and the archives, mediatheques and documentation centres which respond to the needs of the 21st century. This forum is conceived to be an annual meeting that will bring together experts and researchers in the field, coming from institutions, research and industry centres in the visual arts sector who are making outstanding contributions to technological development and innovation in audiovisual culture, in the area of digital archives and conservation.

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial is organising the International Symposium of Medialibraries and Archives for the 21st Century for May 28th & 29th 2010, inviting renowned experts and leading institutions in the field of the conservation and archives of contemporary cultural heritage.

The symposium coincides with the opening of Mediateca_Archivo at LABoral, which was conceived with a mandate to be a permanent space exclusively dedicated to the documentation, consultation and diffusion of the art of today and experimental cultural industries, as well as a pioneering centre for study and research.


Fee: 40€. 25€ for students and interested people who register before 6th April 2010

Deadline: 21st May 2010


Friday 28th May
10-10.30 Welcome
Rosina Gómez-Baeza, Directora, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón

10.30-12 Access to contemporary culture and creation through media libraries and archives

Pau Alsina, Professor at School of Arts and Humanities, UOC-Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona 
Attila Marton, London School of Economics, London
Margaret Smith, Co-editor, UbuWeb, New York 
Mike Stubbs, Director, FACT-Foundation for Art and Creative Technology, Liverpool

12-12.15 Break 

12.15-13.45 Contents production and selection What to conserve?
Alex Adriaansens, Director, V2 Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam
Beryl Graham, Co-editor, CRUMB-Curatorial Resource for Upstart Media Bliss, Sunderland
Heiner Holtappels, Director, Netherlands Media Art Institute Montevideo/Time Based Arts, Amsterdam
Alessandro Ludovico, Chief-editor NEURAL, Bari
Theresa Schubert-Minski, Project Coordinator, Ars Electronica GmbH Archive, Linz

14-16  Lunch

16-17.30 Media Art Conservation. Archives and Media Libraries
Yves Bernard, Director iMAL-Centre for digital Cultures and Technology, Bruselas Brussels 
Alain Depocas, Director Fondation Daniel Langlois, Canadá
Patricia Sloane, Asesora del Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, Ciudad de México México City
Daniel Teruggi, Director of investigation, Institut National de l´Audiovisuel, París 

17.30-17.45 Break 

17.45-19.15 Case studies
Jaron Rowan, HAMACA-Media Video & Art Distribution from Spain, Barcelona
Jaime López,  Media Library Head de Casa Árabe, Madrid
Carma Farrás, Media Library Head de Fundación “la Caixa”, Barcelona
Antoni Mercader,  Co-coordinator GAMA-Gateway to Archives of Media Art, Barcelona
Antonio Santamarina, Head of Documentation Services Filmoteca Española, Madrid

Saturday 29th May

10.30-12 Archivo versus colección Archive versus collection
Jesús Carillo, Head of Cultural Programmes, MNCARS-Museo Nacional y Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid
Mela Dávila, Head of media libraries, MACBA-Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona 
Jane Burton, Creative manager and contents director, Tate Modern, London

12.00-12.15  Break

12.15-14 Technical issues and formats
Benjamin Weil, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón
Pilar García, MUAC-Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City; Rui Guerra, V2-Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam; Secundino González, UNIOVI-Universidad de Oviedo, Mieres; Gustavo Valera, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón

Information about sessions

Access to contemporary culture and creation through media libraries and archives
Internet and new technologies constantly change the context of information and communication. Due to this situation, cultural institutions have to readapt the way audiences have access to their contents. Technical innovations starts a discussion about preservation mechanisms, archives and the importance of having the appropriated documentation and the adequate communication channels.

Contents production and selection. What to conserve?
Communication and information technologies have generated new ways of production and cultural diffusion, giving way to lots of digital artistic and cultural practices. Due to this situation, institutions have to face technical and economic challenges to able to digitalize their contents and offer their audiences the right channels to access to this information. We think this symposium offers the perfect context to analyze methodologies and tools for cultural management and preservation in digital format, but first we have to answer a few questions: what contents are to be preserve? In which formats? what resources do we have?

Media art conservation. Archives and Media Libraries
This discussion will focus on media art conservation and preservation needs, works and projects produced during these last three decades and now in risk situation. Their conservation and archive will give us the opportunity to both learn and preserve as they challenge us in the way we use new technologies to find solutions for media art exhibition and preservation.

Archive versus collection
Institutions preserving cultural heritage face new challenges: on one side, limits between collection and archive are very diffused due to the characteristics of artistic projects and on the other side, archives are becoming an investigation resource. An analysis about how to digitalize collections and find new ways of preservations and conservation adapted to digital formats is needed.