Aimed at: primary education and secondary education.
Duration: approximately 2 hours (1 hour workshop, 1 hour guided tour).
Groups: maximum of 50 students
Timetable: Tuesday to Friday from 10 am to 2 pm.
In this role-playing game two teams will play, rural and urban, to see who knows more about our culture, traditions and folklore. We will have a dice that will show us our luck and a board, set in Asturias, in which we will face different tests and questions.
During this game we will reflect on issues that affect our region and we will learn about Asturian traditions and the figure of Rodrigo Cuevas.
It is complemented with a guided visit to the centre with emphasis on the exhibition Rodrigo Cuevas: The grace of folkloric agitation.
For inscriptions and doubts you can contact us at: or 985 18 55 77