Workshop visits for families
A series of workshop visits are proposed that translate the exhibition into the language of the little ones.
-Workshop The advertising altarpiece
Starting from the approach to the work of the AES+F collective entitled Last Riot, the participants in the workshop carry out a critical analysis of the language and the advertising image. To finish, they carry out the collective recreation of a photographic altarpiece in the spaces of the Art Center on some of the topics discussed during the workshop. DATE: Saturday, November 7. PLACE: LABOR (exhibition rooms). TIME: from 12 to 2 p.m.
-Workshop The Filmed Diary
The filmed diary has existed before YouTube, but it has been the famous online video channel that has turned it into a social and communication phenomenon, as well as a cinematographic genre. Based on the criticism of noise on YouTube made by the artist Christopher Baker in his work Hello World!, the participants in the workshop are proposed to record an original and significant filmed diary. DATE: Saturday, November 14. PLACE: WORK (exhibition rooms). TIME: from 12 to 2 p.m.
-Walter Benjamin and childhood (International Children’s Day).
The German philosopher Walter Benjamin, whose writings contribute to the exhibition Feedforward, The Angel of History, felt great fascination and interest in the world of childhood and youth, conceiving these as territories from which to imagine a better world. On the occasion of International Children’s Day, celebrated on November 20, LABoral offers an opportunity to better understand this interest and how it translated into the creation of a children’s literature library. DATE: Saturday, November 21. PLACE: WORK. HOURS: from 12 to 2 p.m.
-New Media art workshop for children and not so children
Feedforward is a New Media art exhibition, but what does it mean? Why do science, art and technology walk hand in hand in today’s society? The participants in this workshop clear their doubts regarding the different types of new media art through an interaction, like a ginkkhana, with the works in the exhibition. DATE: December 5. PLACE: LABORAL (exhibition rooms). TIME : from 12 to 2 p.m.
-Workshop Design your future
Imagine the future thinking about the present. Participants in this workshop can together design a future society that depends on their current worldview. By using paints, pencils and plasticine they build their particular science fiction story.
DATE: December 12. PLACE: LABOR (exhibition rooms). HOURS: from 12 to 2 p.m.
LABoral proposes a series of open meetings between NGOs, associations and the general public around the issues of social, political and economic criticism raised by the exhibition.
-The concept of freedom in the era of globalization (in collaboration with O’damONGd)
DATE: Saturday, November 7. PLACE: WORK. HOURS: 5 to 7 p.m.
-Art and history in the thought of Walter Benjamin(in collaboration with the University of Oviedo)DATE: Saturday, November 21.PLACE: LABORAL.HOURS: from 5 to 7 p.m.
-The disasters of wars (in collaboration with the Asturias Youth Red Cross)
DATE: Saturday, December 12. PLACE: WORK. HOURS: 5 to 7 p.m.