Cartografías ciudadanas: Meipi Asturies
Meipi Asturias is a Tactical Cartography project of Asturias consisting of a digitalized map that can be edited as a wiki, where the user can link multimedia files with a precise point in the territory. Therefore, pictures, personal impressions, sounds, stories and landscapes as perceived by inhabitants can be shared quickly and easily.
MEIPI ASTURIAS is a developmental project of a multimedia, flexible and expandable environment for the creation of a collective citizen memory promoting citizen’s involvement in the social and cultural life of their neighbourhood/town.
This is a research project of the digital space as dynamic and interactive application and of physical space through a series of workshops, encounters, information offices for citizens, interviews and presentations in several cultural and educational fields within the boundaries of Asturias.
Meipi Asturies is a project by / wwb s.c.a. (Pablo de Soto, José Perez de Lama, Sergio Moreno) in collaboration with Melania Fraga and David Pello.
This project has been coordinated and produced by LABoral and supported by the Ministry of Industry.